Design Communities > Upcoming Calendar Events

Upcoming Calendar Events

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Coastal Design Community

Time:  5:00p - 7:00p

Topic:  2011 ASID Charleston Symphony Designer Showhouse Tour

Location: Showhouse, 89 Beaufain, Charleston, SC 29401

Description:  Guided tour of the historic house and rooms designed by a wonderful mix of ASID designers.  Tour by Donna Horack, ASID.

Meeting Sponsor:  Jennifer Wright, Signature Shutters

Cost:  No cost for ASID members; $20 for non-members (payable to CSOL)

RSVP to Lauren Ferderigos at [email protected] by April 8



Thursday, April 14, 2011

Northeast Design Community

Time:  10:00a - 12:00p

Topic:  Brunch & Learn -- Green Plumbing and Innovative Glass

Location:  Carolina Glass and Mirror, Taps and Latches, 3501 Integrity Drive, Garner, NC 27529

Description:  Learn the latest trends in "green" decorative plumbing from Bobby Boswell, representative for St. Thomas Creations and Grohe, and Tom Caldwell, representative for Jado and Porcher. David Fitchett will discuss innovative ways to use painted glass in kitchens and baths.  A light brunch will be provided.

RSVP to Caroline Carter at  [email protected] by April 12



Thursday, April 14, 2011

Northwest Design Community

Time:  6:00p

Topic:  "ASID Gives Back" Visioning Meeting

Location:  Asheville Green Cottage B&B, 25 St. Dunstans Cr., Asheville, NC 28803

Description:  This meeting is an opportunity for our ASID members to brainstorm about ways our organization can show support of our community and give back through a local program, event or project.

Hosted by;  Victoria Schomer, ASID

RSVP to [email protected] OR [email protected]




Thursday, May 5, 2011

Northwest Design Community

Time:  6:00p

Topic:  "The Story Behind the Hardware"

Location:  Bella Hardware & Bath, 1096 Hendersonville Road, Asheville, NC 28803, (828-505-7950)

Description:  Come join us for an evening social at Bella Hardware & Bath to learn the story by many of their hardware lines, and to ask your questions about different hardware and bath applications.

RSVP to [email protected]




Friday, May 6, 2011

Foothills Design Community

Time:  11:30a - 1:30p

Topic: CEU "Oil Portrailts and the Business of Art" (.1 CEU credit)

Location:  Hickory Museum of Art, 243 3rd Avenue NE, Hickory, NC 28601 (call 828-327-8576 for directions)

Description:  Enjoy a short tour of the museum, followed by lunch and the CEU. Think College Art 101. This course chronicles the history of Oil Portraits. Designers discover the dominant influence of Oil Portraiture in the development of Western Art and the evolution of the art market. We journey through the major art movements (Renaissance, Baroque, Impressionism) defining the art theory, identifying the major artists (Velazquez, Rembrandt, Sargent) and analyzing important works of each period. What a surprise to find that these great paintings are portraits! Learn what makes great paintings great and what elements to look for when evaluating art. Get refreshed on how to specify a portrait and why designers are best suited to advise clients on art. Presented by Hannah Davis of Art Gallery Originals

Cost:  No cost for members and students; $10 for non-members

RSVP to  Susan Guest at [email protected] or 828-328-9585 by April 23